NCCP - National Coaching Certification Program

The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) provides standardized, inclusive, and safe sport education to coaches and coach developers across 65 sports.  The Coaching Association of Canada manages and delivers NCCP training through its partner network of 65 National Sport Organizations and Provincial/Territorial Sport Organizations.  NCCP Multi-sport Training Modules cover topics relevant to all sports (nutrition, for example) and help you become a more effective coach.  They also provide training for coaches working towards Trained status within their NCCP coaching pathways.  Completing any module counts toward your Maintenance of Certification.


CLICK HERE for the website

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CLICK HERE for information on NCCP Multi-Sport Training Modules.

CLICK HERE for information on the NCCP Coaching Certification Program.

CLICK HERE for PDF Overview of the NCCP Multi-Sport Training Modules.


CLICK HERE to search for upcoming NCCP courses available through the Coaches Association of Saskatchewan.



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