MED (Make Ethical Decisions) + Online Evaluation


To Search and Register for an upcoming MED Course - please CLICK HERE for the Coaches Association of Saskatchewan website.


The Make Ethical Decisions (MED) course + online evaluation is an NCCP course that is a requirement to complete any Canada Soccer coach education courses.  As part of the SSA Coaching Standards, all registered coaches must complete the MED course - it is a requirement to complete coaching certification from Active Start through A Licence workshops.  

By successfully completing the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training, coaches will be fully equipped to handle ethical situations with confidence.   The training helps coaches identify the legal, ethical, and moral implications of difficult situations that present themselves in the world of team and individual sport.  Upon completing the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training, coaches will be able to: analyze a challenging situation and determine if it has moral, legal or ethical implications and apply the NCCP ethical decision-making model to properly respond to situations in a way that is consistent with the NCCP Code of Ethics.

Coaches are required to attend either the mandatory in-class MED course, which runs approximately 3 hours in length OR the MED Distance Learning - Zoom or Adobe Connect delivery version. This course is an NCCP course, and will show up in Coaches transcripts on NCCP's "The Locker".   Home Study option is also available if participant has extenuating circumstances that prevent them accessing a workshop or online course.  For more information on Home Study delivery of NCCP training courses Click Here.  Please remember that the MED Home-Study is NOT the online MED Evaluation.

Once a coach has completed their training, they can test their decision-making skills by completing the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation.  Successful completion of the MED Online Evaluation is required to complete coach certification.  

Coaches that have completed the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions  training, and have it listed on their transcript, will have free unlimited access to the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation.  

To find out more about the MED course, visit the Coaches Association of Canada website.

Click Here to log in to your NCCP "Locker".




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